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a familiar twinkle

"She stared at the sun" ~ photo by Rene

you once told me 
you were your daddy's 
favorite mistake

a cute as a button 
nut on a crooked 
little branch

on a leaning family tree
you were paprika 
in the sugar bowl 

no one said 
a damn word 
scooping around the rust 

stirring their tea, nodding
how do you,
do you, do, dear?

elephants soft shoed
across the dining room table
no one clapped

but you said,
some one hollered,
bring on the giraffes!

home sweet
half way 

Rene ~ February 27, 2013
For 100 Word Song
This week's prompt:
Elvis Costello's "Brilliant Mistake"
Do you feel inspired?
Come on and write along!
It would be cool to see some Magpie folks on the Mr. Linky :)


  1. Your creation here is far more brilliant than even Mr. Costello's. Fabulous turns-of-phrase, sense of place and voice.

  2. hey how about them giraffes....and no one notices of they all pretend not to...just stir around and stay proper...hitching a ride...gone...

  3. :-)

    I think YOU might be the brightest marble in the drawer, my dear.


  4. "...and at every family reunion the elephants tap danced..." Fan. tastic! This is IT to a T. I know that feeling. Brilliant.

  5. And when the elephant
    raised her trunk

    the family turned and
    reached for punch

  6. well, THAT'S an inspired prompt... and an inspired response. i think i wanna meet this character.

  7. This is brilliant, and that's no mistake!

    (Forgive the corny line, but as I couldn't build upon this beautiful piece, that's all I could come up with.)

    1. Thank you, Emily. I am glad you enjoyed it and I am flattered that you cared to leave a comment :)

  8. What Marian said. And what Linda said. And what Pearl said as well. And let's not forget Kim's input...

  9. Absolutely brilliant, Rene! Love it!! :)


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