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battenburg lace

there's no emptying
my thoughts
my words
my endless, brilliant
failed to-do's
without carelessly spilling
a drop
or seven

battenburg lace
sunday afternoon
petal edged rivers run,
rise and gently stumble
over stones

and tied tongues
dripping dropping
polka dotting
splashing down

Rene ~ February/November 2011


  1. as, very cool, especially as I like red wine...

  2. if you are quick you might catch some n your mouth before it hits the floor....five second rule right?

  3. that's beautiful. and reminds me that i gotta get on scrubbing that red wine stain on my carpet from last night. ack!

  4. Brian said it perfectly.

    Love this, Rene.


  5. This is perfect. Not a word unneeded. Oh, and pop my cork while you're at it.

  6. Aahh, anything with battenburg lace evokes memories in me. This was lovely.

  7. It's a ghost story. I see no wine. Just a decades old bloody event. Great poem. Your work has the oddest effect on me.



  8. Beautiful, the "petal edged rivers" running crimson.

  9. Love the sparsity of words, yet full meaning.
    I, too, am a drip-drop-slop spiller. And I just don't care. When i moved, I had a concrete floor poured and my rugs are brightly-colored orientals. Spilled red wine adds sublime ambiance. ;-)

  10. oh the failed to-do' the dripping dropping polka dotting..splashing crimson..great me some red wine..smiles

  11. smiles. was a nice revisit on this one...glad you were able to catch some...smiles.

  12. beautiful imagery ~

    nice to meet you at D'verse

  13. This is like 19th century German lieder -- in fact, this would work perfect set to music -- not pop, but something like a madrigal or Hugo Wolf.

  14. dripping dropping -> i can just feel this

  15. Last four lines of this are perfect...alliteration, staccato, sing song rhythm...nice. (sigh)

  16. Rene- I really love this-

    and tied tongues
    dripping dropping
    polka dotting
    splashing down

  17. Ooh I like this.

    --One who always spill on self and surroundings

  18. Wonderfully written... Love it!


  19. poetic, love the wit in it,

    well done.

  20. this is wonderful and I love the cascading feel to it - nice effect!


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