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Magpie 31 - Our Lady Of Sheer Mystery

hurry down
join heaven 
and earth

make the ordinary
sacred, luminous
in dusk born shadow


i do see
her head
in fervent prayer

sorrowful cross
on her back
glorious world
at her hem 

a miraculous apparition
trusted, believed
i do not lean
unto my own understanding

i can
only joyfully hope
with all of
my heart.

Rene ~ 2010

To join Magpie Tales creative writing prompt blog click HERE.


  1. make the ordinary sacred...i like that...

  2. I absolutely love that picture. I thought I was looking at the reflection of a cathedral at first. I love the poem as well. On another note, thanks so much for your definition of "nalloo" for Captcha Balderdash. It made me laugh out loud! I love creative people. :)

  3. Just beautifully worded, make the ordinary sacred ... I just loved this too!

  4. Sundown joining heaven and earth -- beautifully put.

  5. Very interesting. Makes you think. Well done.

  6. Hope certainly goes with faith and charity...

  7. Really lovely. I do understand.


    P.S. Visit me at The Kathus ( where I've tagged you for a little meme.

  8. "Man would rather invent the miraculous, than investigate the ordinary (and discover the miraculous within)." - Michael Moorcock

    Many thanks to you for investigating the ordinary, and discovering.


  9. Make the ordinary sacred.. Wow what thought... Very nice poem...Great mag

    Thanks for stopping by at my blog

  10. And that is all we can do. Great work. Thank you.


  11. A very beautiful poem of hope and faith..

  12. uplifting! excellent magging Rene!

    mine will be up tomorrow, just in time for church :)

  13. nice write rene...believing is up to each of us...(thanks for the correction)...blessings.bkm

  14. 'hurry down
    join heaven
    and earth'
    loved these words.

  15. Thank you all for reading and commenting on my first ever Magpie...
    I really enjoyed writing this but not half as much as I am enjoying reading every elses submissions. They are truly spectacular. What an honor! I don't know why on earth I did not join Magie Tales sooner.


  16. My heart skips a little when I see that you've written verse. I am never disappointed. Thanks, Rene.

  17. My first glance noticed a praying nun.. and you have captured her!

    And you've hinted at one of my favourite verses Proverbs 3:56.

    Well done!

  18. Fred..I love when my words set your heart a flutterin'
    thanks, friend.

    HisFireFly..thanks for finding me and getting me :)


  19. "...I do no lean unto my own understanding..."

    Wonderful poem and one with introspection and thought.


  20. As a cheerful unbeliever who relishes doubt and mystery, this speaks to me with grace and economy. Well said, Rene.

  21. I loved "sorrowful cross/ on her back/ glorious world/ at her hem". It reminds me of the ending of the Gerard Manley Hopkins poem "God's Grandeur": "Because the Holy Ghost over the bent world broods with warm breast and ah! bright wings".

    I loved this.

  22. Beautiful and simple! Such small thoughts speak such great volumes!

  23. You know how much I enjoy things that can't be totally explained. Like that haunting picture. Beautiful.

  24. make the ordinary sacred. Yes-I like this.

  25. Love the magpie. Draped in dusk born shadow just like the photo.

  26. good one and totally cool idea.
    you de man.
    you know what i mean.

  27. Great job gal. The writing is inspirational. Thanks for your visit too.

  28. The light of twilight does make all things sacred! Beautiful Magpie, Rene.

  29. Rene this is beautiful and inspiring! :-)

  30. oh, I like this so much, your take on this week's prompt - like Brian said, you make the ordinary sacred

    beautifully written! thank you

  31. such beautiful words tied together to make a poem
    just beautiful

  32. I am overwhelmed, honored and over the moon that so many of you have taken the time to read and comment on my words.

    I truly appreciate every one of you :)


  33. Love your honest and open bio Rene. And i really loved this poem. As an ex catholic it speaks to me of the sacred and the reverent and the hopeful. It also made me smile a little at a soft undercurrent of , well, irreverence.

  34. What a beautiful poem -- mysterious and joyful -- just like worship should be.

  35. Well said and a nice take on the photo too. :) I so love your cadence.


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