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Showing posts from December, 2010


Magpie Tales #46 click to join and submit your own! here is where the scenery fades the fabric falls away the adornments drop, unclasped the paint runs down the sink here is where real life drowns out the music upstages the acting thunders over the applause here is where the pretending stops where the lighting  dares you to get comfortable and the kidgloves come off here is a safe place for revealing scars smoothing calluses and mending hearts and fences where is this place? this "here"? where can there be such freedom in knowing? this is your house dwell in it richly Rene ~ 2010 Wishes for a happy and safe New Year to you all!

the gift of light

let not your light be still wake the neighbors, place a song of Hope on their tongues and an everlasting crown of Joy upon their heads let your heart become a mirror, reflecting Love outward; a beacon  without limit lastly, see to it that the pantry baskets  spill over, always, with the fruit of truth, the gift of Peace. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all! Rene ~ 2010

a confession

When I was little I didn't care much for Sundays. Nothing much on Sunday mornings cartoon-wise, aside from Davey and Goliath...  which was a little too preachy and lacked the slapstick, pie-in-the-face humor this kid required of her animated entertainment. Sunday also meant that I had to get dressed up and go to church. I was a fidgety kid who was constantly feeding my nerves and touching everything, so sitting still in a hard wooden pew listening to a man who looked he could be God's Uncle Bob was torture. I never paid much attention to Father as he said Mass. My wild imagination wandered elsewhere. Hats, hairstyles, the way Mr. Davis kept blessing himself  and the way Mrs. Mangiotti's feet looked like hams stuffed into her strappy shoes. I wandered off in the details of the stained glass windows. Each beautifully colored window honored a saint, and at first glance it looked like a truly marvelous, gold crowned, red robed kinda life. Looking closer, each s...

beacon hill, late sunday afternoon

rene foran ~ 2010 piano music drifted lightly  from the window perfuming the air   before joining  together with cobblestone quicksteps i stood outside of the gate charmed and disarmed my uncultured ear  could not name the tune, what era it was from, or which composer still, it welcomed me as if i were  a long lost friend Sunday Scribblings was set up to provide inspiration and motivation for anyone who enjoys writing and would like a weekly challenge. 

flexible flyers

Magpie 44 broad shoulders set   leaning up against the barn,  come hither i heard you cry save me, baby frozen in motion honey colored rugged thrill ride screaming eagle inked i know we'd fit ride me, baby i saw us fly emancipated we hit the sky thrusting wings forward no speed limit take me, baby let freedom glide Rene ~ 2010 To join Magpie Tales creative writing group click here.

silent bright

yes, i did believe you had stopped listening still i kept on talking not about you, or me or us but of things around rather than in between i spoke of citrus pine boughs  and cinnamon foot prints in virgin snow you fed a chickadee out of  the palm of your hand pin dropping-ly speechless i broke from singing  unending songs of glory and watched in admiration a dance of joy, wonder, pure evident silent,  bright Rene ~ 2010 ***One Stop Poetry   is now calling for submissions. If you wish to post an article, highlight an artist, or use our platform to promote a worthy cause; we'd like to here from you . 

why should we save all of our fallen stars for rainy days?

Magpie Tales 43 snuggle on up, baby it's a snow day dance in your pajamas put the suit away i'll make ya pancakes, hottie you can pour the tea we'll use the china grandma left to me let's listen to Marvin, sweetheart follow his advice let's clear the table, honey let's do it twice three cheers for our snow day, darlin' let's not waste a flake tomorrow's a melting promise not likely to break Rene ~ December 2010 To join Magpie Tales creative writing group click here.