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Magpie Tales #46 click to join and submit your own!
here is where the scenery fades
the fabric falls away
the adornments drop, unclasped
the paint runs down the sink

here is where real life
drowns out the music
upstages the acting
thunders over the applause

here is where the pretending stops
where the lighting 
dares you to get comfortable
and the kidgloves come off

here is a safe place
for revealing scars
smoothing calluses
and mending hearts and fences

where is this place? this "here"?
where can there be such freedom in knowing?
this is your house
dwell in it richly

Rene ~ 2010
Wishes for a happy and safe New Year to you all!


  1. and I thought bare meant naked lol
    Good one though, thanks

  2. Yikes! Do I have to go there? To the bare foundation? Of course, this is exactly what we all must do, for grounding, for the sake of reality, and to reconnect with the self. Ah, geez. Ooooookay. I'll do it. Tomorrow.

  3. O very nice, rene. True observation on human nature and reality, neatly written.

  4. Rene, you have a wonderful knack for finding the essence in an image...and putting words to it. I loved this!
    Happy New Year.

  5. Hey darlin',

    Just stopping by to say thanks for being so wonderful.
    Wishing you tons of Love, Good Health and many Smiles for the New Year!

  6. nice. we all need those places where we can just be...and if home can be that...great...

  7. Throw away the mirrors! Have a great 2011 Rene! XX

  8. here is where the pretending stops. lovely - and extraordinarily true. i felt that today coming into the house and being able to collapse out of the view of the world.

  9. The best Magpie entry by far - What wonderful words to begin the New Year. Thank you for the last year of stunning work shared with all of us.

  10. Happy New Year, woman. You've been missed.

  11. Home - where the gloves come off for real...

  12. "Dwell in it richly" - Definitely words by which to live.

    Happy New Year, you :)

  13. a safe place
    for revealing scars..not many people have this, walking around and hiding them as good as possible. very nice poem renee - and happy new year to you

  14. Ah, there's no place like home. Happy New Year, Rene!

  15. simply thoughtful a post for the first day of the year!
    and thanks for your nice comments on my blog
    ps check out my Photo Project for 2011 here:

  16. I love your take on the picture! Well done!

  17. Beautiful. My hands don't fit in kid's gloves.

    Happy New Year!



  18. Oh my gosh, Rene, I don;t know what it is about your writing but almost every time you leave me with goosebumps. I so love your prose and words chosen. this is amazing again.

    Wishing you a very happy new year too. Thanks for making my blogging experience that much more meanignful adn delightful as a result of you being here.

  19. I really enjoyed this. Home is where you can always be yourself. Nice Magpie!

  20. I love this Rene it is a new favorite for me! So true and thought provoking! :-) Happy New Year! :-)

  21. very well written...and very thought provoking....i liked this as a new year share...many thanks pete

  22. I've been following this prompt around the blogosphere -- all such different takes!

    Count on you to evoke home and well-being. :-)


  23. I never knew a home like this until I was in my 40s.

    Love you, Rene.


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