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silent bright

i did believe

you had stopped

still i kept on

not about you,
or me

or us
but of things

rather than in between

i spoke of citrus
pine boughs 

foot prints
in virgin snow

you fed a chickadee
out of the palm of your hand

pin dropping-ly
i broke from

unending songs of glory
and watched
in admiration

a dance of joy,

wonder, pure

Rene ~ 2010

***One Stop Poetry is now calling for submissions. If you wish to post an article, highlight an artist, or use our platform to promote a worthy cause; we'd like to here from you


  1. Ah, very nice. Evocative. I saw it in my head and felt it in my heart. Lovely.

  2. Lovely. Goes in a completely unexpected but wonderful direction.

  3. "...i spoke of citrus
    pine boughs and cinnamon,...

    Can one really speak of such things? yes, yes, and you did. I have their taste and smell in my mouth, mixing in the steam billowing from there in the cold night.

    sigh. marvelous.

  4. yeah that was beautiful...but you know that...smiles.

  5. More to things than meets the eye, and more mysteries than we can know. Lovely.

  6. Shhh! Don't mention that reindeer in the room!

    I was raised by this couple. There was the Chamber of Commerce version of how things were, and to suggest that that was bullshit was to be stared at as if one had just landed from Mars.

  7. Fireblossom, it's going to kill you but, this was based on an actual event...not my actual event, but an actual event all the same.

    I pinky swear to you :)


  8. I really, really like this one.

    I'm long overdue for a comment here, but I just wanted to let you know I'm still here, quietly reading along.

  9. This is very good writing. Was it a prelude to teasing the other person to react, I wonder?

  10. Rene this is lovely. I'm so glad you found my blog so I could find yours!

  11. very interesting read. Had me the whole way. Kudos


    Luke @ WordSalad

  12. A sweet snap-shot (One Shot) of winter joy, Rene.

  13. Well, I feel thick as I don;t get it, shame on me, as beautiful as the words sound all together. :(

  14. Well, you can colour me "pin droppingly speechless", because this was simply marvellous! You do a great turn of phrase, expressing the mundane in surprising ways that mines the magic that's always there before our eyes. Fantastic! :-)

  15. footprints of virgin snow, oh that thought made me smile in thsi chilly winter

  16. Fab, fab, fab. Great imagery and economy of language. Love and Light, Sender

  17. Silent romance is ultra romantic.. cuz this silence can sing louder than the loudest!!
    Gosh.. your imagery was so vivid here... I felt I was watching a movie!
    A masterfully done One Shot!!!

  18. I'm sorry, did you say something?

    Solid work, my friend. :)

  19. Rene, have not read you before. Listening with one's eyes, lovely.

    I'll see again soon! Writer's Isle connected us. Take care,

    Amy Barlow Liberatore

  20. And you have been writing with all the senses. Lovely.

  21. You are such a talent!

  22. Sensuous imagery very well written,


  23. it sounds as if this may have really occurred? A lovely story you've created either way very sweet!

  24. I really like where you went with this.....nicely done and thanks for sharing


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