Rene ~ 2010 Faith tol't me Hope was at da bottom o'da well alive and kickin' as da day she wuz born ah hadda believe her ah just hadda ... nowadays she always yammerin' on 'bout such crazy nonsense, po' thing Hope'd gone missin' weeks ago. an' so ah went down, like i always do down to dat well wit Faith lookin' thot Hope'd be bobbin' along up top on accounta her dead floatin' and all... an' ah'd just scoop her on out ...but no Hope, not now, again it was nuthin' der it wuz never nuthin' der but water an' more water i wuz tired of all this crazy so i just grab Faith's fat ol' hand an' say "See, she ain't here, i ain't seen her, so you ain't seen her, so hesh up fool!" dass when Faith got all spooky eye'd an' tol't me "Emmie, u ain't never believed me, not now, not yeser'day until u do, ain't gun'be any Hope... not now, not ...