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ruby thewes day

there ain't nothin'
i depise more
than a floggin'
'cept maybe
despicable webs
spun by righteous men
of... mischief
an' if i add them tears
i cried for my
stolen from a crocodiles back
i'd fill up my iron stew pot
throw 'em all in
set it on the fire
an' jus listen to 'em cry
it's rainin' 

Ruby Thewes was a character from the book/movie  Cold Mountain. She was brilliantly brought to life by Renee Zellweger.


  1. The first thing I thought of was Ruby saying something like, "I do hate a flogging rooster" and then wringing it's neck. I can imagine how good that stewing bird must have smelled to those two starving women and they never had to be afraid of that mean old rooster again. Great book. Great movie.

  2. ha. brilliant end...still chuckling....

  3. That rooster looks thoroughly guilty.

  4. I read that whole long book, and quite enjoyed it right up to the very end when he DIES! W.t.f.?

    I loved Zellweger and Kidman in the movie, though Jude Law didn't do it for me. I did like him in AI (Artificial Intelligence) though.

  5. 'Cold Mountain' is one of my favorite books, top ten. I had that story in my heart, even before I knew I did.

    I get it. :)

  6. Never read the book but I love the character already! Your clever versifying brought her to life!

  7. I loved Ms. Ruby- she wore that role like a second skin. Nice magpie!

  8. One of my favorite books and most beloved characters, period. I am rarely pleased with book to movie adoptions, but dang if that wasn't the most perfectly cast movies I have ever seen!

  9. I love your take on this weeks prompt. You are such a clever writer. I am still smiling :)

  10. Fearful of that mean ol' rooster. Great write!

  11. I loved the movie, the actress and your Magpie! You brought the character to life with this one.

  12. Funny and fun! I have relatives who talk just like that!


  13. Ha! I thought of Ruby when I saw the prompt, too.

  14. I loved Ruby in Cold Mountain. When I re-read this, I could hear her accent in my ears, which made me giggle.

  15. Ruby was my favorite character in Cold Mountain. What a fearless woman!

  16. Ruby was my favorite character as well....a wonderful story...Rene great idea to post for the prompt!

  17. I heard Zellweger's Ruby when I started to read, but wasn't completely sure till the bit about the rain at the end. Thanks for the smiles.

  18. Great - this one should be read aloud to get the full impact :o)

  19. excellent magpie! totally original.
    I like original.

  20. Excellent! So enjoyed that, as I do all your poems. You have such a great way with words that evoke pictures. I'll remember this one because the voice is so distinctive.

  21. Great! I found the eye 'righteous', too!

  22. Rene,
    I loved your piece as much as the movie and the "other" Rene!
    Thanks for turning my memory to that channel.

  23. love that Southern chicken.especially with a Civil War history must be ...bkm

  24. They were just talking about this book on NPR today, I's be thinkin' I oughta read it 'gain.

  25. I don't know the story of Cold Mountain but I enjoyed this and loved the ending ...shit it's rainin'

  26. Got a big smile from me over here!


  27. A face that ugly I would give him a floggin' too! Thanks for shring this!

  28. the ending made the whole poem worth reading two or three more times! well done!

  29. you are a genius,
    super witty story.
    lovely done.
    Happy Weekend.

  30. Makes me wanna see the movie again!
    You rock, girl!

  31. Very cute. I enjoyed reading this so much.

  32. think i have to watch that movie to fully undertand this...

  33. Excellent Mag, great book, and yep it is raining.

  34. I have heard of this film, but seen neither the film nor the read the book, to my great embarrassment. The 'voice' is one that pricks up my ears ...

    Thank you so much for your kind words on my story.

  35. A brilliant reminder of a movie I loved!

  36. That Magpie prompt really freaked me out. Glad you were able to come up with something great from it as I couldn't stop looking at it's beady eyes.

  37. anything that makes one smile is good

  38. I enjoyed this. Now I have to read the book.

  39. I enjoyed this - love the last line

  40. Marvelous! I love the way you worked in Ruby with this piece. (I loved Cold Mountain, but never did see the movie...)

  41. Love the title. And love the voice you've used.

  42. clever title! I could totally hear the southern ya'll accent in your write - nice one!!

  43. I never saw the movie, never read the book, but you've done a clever bit of writing here.

  44. That's a good one, Rene. Brought back memories of that book and movie.

  45. Know story and book, but didn't make the connection at first glance. I was just digging the vernacular and the allovertheplace narrative, espec. "shit/it's rainin'"

    Just tickled me, great read!

    Amy B.L.

    PS the word ID was "nestonya"... think hens!

  46. i dont' remember ever watching that movie, but this was a great piece!

  47. Funny, scary, unnerving, cute, witty... phheewww!! I have too many adjectives for this Magpie!! But I choose to sum it up with this one: "AWESOME"!!!


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