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Charis, Lake Ediza, California, 1937 by Edward Weston
( via Magpie Tales)

it doesn't matter
what you say
what you think of

i own my truths
and my lies
with steely eyed

it doesn't matter
that my body
is not perfect for

every fold
a triumphant valley
every scar
a sacred highway

i doesn't matter
that you leave me
between hard places

i know my territory
i don't wish for
more beyond

it does not matter
if i never
see you

i will be grateful
our paths crossed
and i'll wish you well
my friend

Rene ~ November 3, 2012

Fireblossom has the Real Toads channelling our inner opposite to write poems that do NOT reflect our true feelings.

Link up and tell everyone like it's not.

This is also a d'Verse Poets photo prompt submission

Image ( via d'Verse Poets) credited to SueAnn


  1. The prompt is unique. I am not sure how easy or difficult it might have been to write something which you do not feel. But I like this piece. It is a not at all flashy and pretty confident acceptance of not only your self but of a relation as well.

    1. I really liked this prompt and was surprised how easily the words came to me. I should try this more often with myself :)

  2. i would wish this was truth for you...not caring what others thought of you...there is freedom in coming to that place....and on not letting the loss of other friends affect...i dont know that i could ever get to there...

    1. here's the thing, Brian. When you are wired, as I am, to feel the pain of everyone it is impossible not to care. I pretend a lot that I don't...but who is kidding whom? :)

    2. i def understand...empathy is high with me as well...

  3. Ha! Yeah, right! The high ground is hard to reach, and pretty cold once you get there.
    Great response to the prompt.

  4. I loved the landscape and territory you shared!
    It paints a vivid map of where the heart actually
    lies-in this liar, liar poem ;D
    Well done...
    sure wish I had this view!

  5. Thank you, careful what you wish for :)

  6. I understand well. It does matter what someone thinks of me too, but I try not to give it power over me; but this is hard sometimes. I do think we do have to own our own truths though. We cannot deny what we think and feel.

  7. Fences never named play throughout this piece, binding and casting shadows - asking what is real and what lies secret. Well explored.

  8. Nice, Rene... I especially live stanzas 2 & 4.

  9. This was a tough read ... sounds like we both have had to deal with the 'you're not good enough .. will never fit in' mentality. I hear strength in your words, Rene.

    1. for some of's like we never leave high school

  10. I love Kerry's comment! What a treat to see that you've done my challenge, Rene. You know what they say...if you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with bullshit!

  11. yep. plenty o' the bafflin' goin' on 'round was a pleasure to find a wedge of time to throw some bull.

  12. "every fold
    a triumphant valley
    every scar
    a sacred highway"

    And so it should be my dear!

    A lovely piece :)

  13. was just about to quote the same lines as festivalking up there... till i saw she already did it. loved them.
    great work, great poem!

  14. Sometimes I wish a fence is all that it would take to create distance and mute pain, but as you, a fence is what it is, and I will always see the otherside, regardless. Very nice write.

  15. when i read the toady prompt the poem becomes harmonic with its antithesis. dissonance.

  16. Beautiful piece. Loved it! Thank you for choosing one of my pics.

  17. One of the many healthy responses to rejection -- your own clear garden, and no temptation to forget pleasures.

  18. i own my truths
    and my lies
    with steely eyed

    Love that stanza. That's not you? Not me either...maybe that's why I love it so.

  19. Google Images Charis Weston...she's as confident as you write...

  20. Yep, we feel the pain but have to move on hopefully with grace but not always.

  21. I love the strength in the photo, so well reflected in your poem - great idea for a challenge, and wonderful response. I especially love "every scar a sacred valley."

  22. I think you captured her perfectly!

  23. Whether of not this reflects your true feelings, you concisely palpable conveyed emotion and connection. I admire your brevity and clarity.

  24. ...I wish you well my friend.

    Oh, how I have longed to "really" mean that at times. I would have been much better off.

  25. Great poem. I think the secret is to be your own best friend.

  26. Very poignant , like a long march , thanks Rene

  27. Well captured - a strength and defiance in your fine words.

    Anna :o]

  28. I love the "steely eyed confidence." May you find your own strength...


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