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why does she write so much?

She wrote...
not always of what she knew
but of what she wanted to know

She wrote because...
it came more naturally
to her than speaking

She wrote because...
she was a bit more sure of 
her words that way

She wrote because...
no one was listening

She wrote...
to free her thoughts and feelings
otherwise she'd surely drown 

She wrote because... 
she was surrounded by stories
begging for release from the eyes
of everyday strangers

She wrote of...
things that tickled the armpit of her heart 
and made her sing
or things that stubbed the toe of her brain 
and made her scream

She wrote because...
some words needed to see more of each other
and putting them together in a sentence 
was a lovely way of doing that

She wrote because...
it was only through her words
that she felt desired

She wrote because...
she was incredibly self absorbed

She wrote because...
she was addicted to the color white
and she could stare at it for hours

She wrote...
out of a need to build
tear down
and build again

She wrote...
to free the demons
and to perhaps, fool the angels

She wrote...
hoping to find buried treasure

She wrote...
of what she loved, lived
lost and longed for

She wrote because...
she needed to pacify the muse
The one who would wake her;

"You must create this, nuture it and
set it free. And you must do this now...
 before someone else beats you to it" 

Rene ~ 2010

Why do you write so much?
Consider writing a post with an answer to that question.


  1. Your best yet! Love it. I can identify with so many of those. She wrote because no one was listening anyway.

  2. I thuoght that poem was tremendous. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  3. "...some words needed to see more of each other..."

    I love-love-love that stanza. Well, the whole poem, actually. Brilliant, Rene.

  4. no matter the reason we are glad she writes...smiles. i write because other wise i might go crazy....

  5. You beat me to it Rene. I had an idea called "Audience of One" addressing public blogging and private journaling. And you wrote it so much better. A good read, and an even better write!

  6. This is so true, at least for me. This was written beautifully. I started to blog cause since I don't work, my family was getting bored of my verbal diarrhea.
    Great job.

  7. Thank you all!
    And Elaine I would love to read "Audience Of One"

  8. Oh Rene, I love this poem. It really says it all. Thank you so much for sharing your talent with us all.

  9. Really liked it. Special mention to these lines --

    She wrote of...
    things that tickled the armpit of her heart
    and made her sing
    or things that stubbed the toe of her brain
    and made her scream

  10. I second Neil's comment.

    And as to why: "If I don't write to empty my mind, I go mad."

    Keep writing.

  11. I write for many of the reasons she wrote. Perhaps I'll consider...

  12. things that tickled the armpit of her heart 
    and made her sing
    or things that stubbed the toe of her brain 
    and made her scream

    That is so good! I think you know why I write. Pretty sure.

    Wonderful piece.



  13. She wrote because no one was listening anyway...

    That one actually put a lump in my throat.


  14. This is wonderful.

    I wouldn't dare try to add to it.

  15. Love. Just love.

    Now, get out of my head.


  16. Oh! I love this. It needs to be painted on my wall. :)

  17. You've already covered some of my reasons: "because some words needed to see more of each other" and "to fool the angels." I'll give this some thought. I need to think about this.

  18. came to read it again, that is howsomuch i am listening! xo

  19. And we are glad that you write for all these reasons...and so many more...thank you...bkm

  20. Lots of emotions and reasons. Thanks for writing them down.

  21. What an enlightening poem. All of us can get on this train. I love this! Explains things in ways I couldn't.

  22. So many of these apply to me.
    an honest and smart poem...
    good stuff.

  23. She free the demons and to perhaps, fool the angels.


  24. "because [he] was incredibly self absorbed;" that's my reason.

    this is a great piece. "tickled the armpit of her heart...stubbed the toes of her brain..." again, BLAST! the muse whispered those lines to you first!

  25. She wrote because she couldn't not. Didn't you? I get it.

    Loved this line:

    She wrote of...
    things that tickled the armpit of her heart

  26. Rene, I like this and the repetition
    works quite well.


  27. She wrote because...
    no one was listening


    She wrote because...
    some words needed to see more of each other
    and putting them together in a sentence
    was a lovely way of doing that


    This poem is full of wisdom and beauty. Definitely one to keep.
    Thenk you for making my day.

  28. Rene, some gems in here, and besides I remain a sucker for list poems (reason a mystery). One of my favorites is,

    "because she was addicted to the color white...",

    which says it all, quest and response both, and is amusing too! Thanks. ~neil


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