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salt of gerasene

shake us
from this
exceedingly fierce
into the sea

take care
as we are legion
too many 
to count

too mighty
to pass
we are the rubble
looking back

cast us not 
over bread 
nor shoulder
but rather
the backs of swine

may we drown
this unrelenting
and finally 
know peace


  1. Gerasene! Not a word I'd ever heard, but it links well with my offering. Thank you for teaching me something new.

  2. Love this! Gerasene was new to me, too.

  3. wicked good inspired me tonight...

  4. Damnation, that was rippin' good.

    You schooled me, lass. Bravo!

  5. Excellent riff and thanks for slapping up my bible study.

  6. i am never disappointed when I visit you. (Frank kept the candy that was supposed to go with his cards today. Sneaky little .....darling.)

  7. Fascinating - I, too, had to search for Gerasene. Love the poem.

  8. "cast us not over

    great line. great poem. once again, rene, you're an artist with words.

  9. I loved the arch of this briefly related desire.
    Really nice work.

  10. very old world, dark and well executed.

  11. I love "Cast us not over shoulders". Reminded me of a superstition my grandfather had. If he spilt salt by accident, he would throw some over his shoulder. I had completely forgotten about it until I read your poem!

  12. Rene,
    A poem of wisdom, Salt of the Earth so to speak : both, you and your verse.

  13. Excellent! Like the way you work in a few different allusions to salt. And I absolutely love the personification.

  14. It's got to be more than a penny for your thoughts. You have some great thoughts I can see.

    Good work..
    Thanks first visit.


  15. Wonderfully written, I loved this!

  16. Dear NT Rockefellers: This is awesome; an excellent poem of the nature of evil. Unless someone forgot and let the demon pigs out my tail is running from that legion! Jesus being right there to "what is thy bidding my Master?" from Darth Vader Star Wars! Scary stuff!

  17. I might just have to throw this shaker out. I'm scared of it now!

  18. I own't be able to look at salt in quite the same way! Wonderful use of words here!

  19. Ms. Rene ... you packed a lot of power in that tiny shaker!!!

  20. i've never been scared of salt before. never felt sad for them either. brilliant!

  21. This should be spoken aloud, with audition piece, for sure!

  22. Excellent Rene..."legions to many too count too mighty to pass"...can feel the darkness....Great Magpie...bkm

  23. Excellent piece! some incredible lines throughout the entire poem.

  24. A poem that, for whatever reason, keeps making me think of, of all things, Dante's Inferno. Strange. Dark voice, very dark - and I can see souls behind it, many and legion, crying out from hell or some dark place of the soul. Passionate and quite creative.

    And the that...a salt shaker?

  25. Wow - that's a good one! Powerful and smart.

  26. Dear Rene

    Its interesting the way you have have used the words 'looking back' in conjunction with 'cast us' and the end was perfect too..

    ॐ नमः शिवाय
    Om Namah Shivaya
    Twitter @VerseEveryDay

  27. Nice!Love the ending :)Thanks for dropping by

  28. Hello, Thanks for the love to Poetry Potluck! You Rock!

    Awards 4 Poetry Potluck Week 22, Enjoy!

    Your contribution means a world to us, Happy Thursday!
    See you next time!

    fabulous magpie.

  29. WOWW!! And the grains spoke with fervor!!
    Excellent personification here, Rene... I could almost imagine the salt crystals leaping at me and making faces!!!
    Enjoyed this mag a lot!!

  30. There is raw power in your words Rene....brilliant writing! :-)

  31. I'll be careful not to take anything with a pinch of salt, from here on.

    Poetry24…where news is the Muse


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