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you're a ray of sunshine
with a zest for life
motivation slogans
comin' out your pipe

coverin' up your bruises
with a pink band-aid
excusin' all the madness
with some bad cliches

well you can go on
pilin' them blankets
on your little bed of lies
or grab a heapin' forkful
of some radical advice

it's just some
refrigerator magnet wisdom
for you to display
"instead of lemons
throw a grenade"

Rene ~ 2011

This was a Magpie Tales entry. Photo by Tess Kincaid. Tess assures all that no lemons were harmed in the making of this photo.


  1. I hear you! Not advocating violence here...quite the opposite, actually.
    Bad, toxic, abusive relationships need to be nuked.

  2. whew! I love what is coming out of this weeks photo!

  3. BOOM!

    This is grrrreat!!!

    Get it?


    Glad to see you pulled the pin :)

  4. This is gnarly! And violence disguised as passion is awesome too. Sorry, I have been on the Charlie Sheen thing all day long and it really does rub off on you (me).

    Seriously, this was way cool.

  5. woohoo now you are talking! really who would do that to a lemon any way...smiles.

  6. You are so right about those toxic relationships. Love the way you described the abuse as being covered by a band aid.

  7. I'm confused, scared and a little sad for that little guy. But, if you're going to murder something, I think a lemon is the way to go.



  8. No lemonade stands here. You knocked this one out of the park!

    Go girl, squash them battered relationships.

  9. Whoohoo! The revolution is afoot! Well done.

  10. Clever, sharp take on the prompt!

  11. loved the fast paced flow almost sounded like RAP lyrics...really neat and refreshing write

  12. You Go girl ... I be singin' this the whole day long .......

  13. They say: life gives you lemons you make lemonade. I wonder how they'll put a positive spin on grenades coming your way.

    This really cracked me up! Thanks!

  14. Spiky and real, great take on the prompt.

  15. Bad cliches is right. Gosh, don't I know it. Great write, Rene.

  16. another fine piece. i'm somewhat jealous of your way with words. you often write lines that make me curse for not having written them first.

  17. From the title to the last word, this piece sings and shines. Tasty with a touch of not-so-sweet.

  18. It is rather cheery, until the end. Kaboom. : )

  19. Throw a grenade...seriously made me laugh out loud. I finally found the response to this prompt that played hide and seek with me for days:

  20. Yeah! Pitch it in there baby! heyyyyyyyy batta batta batta swing! LOL

  21. Now that was super friggin' awesome, Rene... Sour relationships give 'em lemons a bad name, I tell ya!

    Ohh.. I like forkful of radical advice!! Umm.. not taking it per-se... but the sound of it in this poem! :)

    A blast of a take on the prompt!!

  22. Seriously- you need to become a song writer.


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