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You're Ice and I'm Salt

my friend
let me get
inside of your

kinda lonely
out here
and talking to
is a little weird

hey, hey!
my friend
i do believe
we've met

and i know your
tickle spots
so really
please unlock
and let me in

hey, hey, hey!
my friend
i get the hint
i'll go away

but i  really
don't want to
cuz it's my hobby
melting you
until you spill

i say...

hey, hey, hey, hey!
my friend
what's that
you're doing with
your face?

it's cracking up
all over the place
i think at last
i've gotten to you

now your mouth is
opening too
and it's so cool
for me...
to finally see

my friend

hey, hey, hey, hey, hey

Rene ~ 2013


  1. A virtual, veritable melt-away!

    The ice doesn't stand a chance, really.

  2. lol. how fun...unless you are the ice, i think.

  3. thanks!

    sorry Brian, Titanium's right the ice doesn't stand a chance :)

    and it's a good thing too!

    Peace ~ Rene

  4. cool, I can't think of another way to put it

  5. See, you did it again.

    The ice is in big trouble, but can't wait for it anyway.



  6. What iceberg could ever resist being assaulted like that?

  7. Thanks everyone for your kind comments..Though I don't often get a chance to comment back, let me just say that I am honestly thrilled that you all take a bit of your time to read my stuff.
    I really like when people read my stuff.

    Peace ~ Rene

  8. Rene you little ray of sunshine, you. You're the really good salt, the stuff you pay extra for, the kind you have to grind yourself.



  9. Pearl, you have completely made my night...especially the last line of your comment :)

    Why I oughta....

    Peace ~ Rene

  10. just thinkin'
    that's what I'm talkin' bout
    and it's good to see that
    my friend...


    and my own word verif is Sharif
    which has gotten me Rockin' the Casbah all of a sudden :)

  11. Like the slow, gentle approach to breaking the ice, Renee! A good reminder that you don't always have to use a hard, sharp object to chip away at it. (Being that I've never lived where it snows, it's hard for me to actually name the tool!) But the salt just seems a bit gentler :) and maybe even more effective?

  12. sweet ode to friendship and persevering

  13. you are always amazing with your choice of words. Love it as usual.

    Rene, btw, so excited to see you join Creative Tuesdays. No worries if you can't really draw as you've said before. everyone starts somewhere and the idea is to just be creative and give it a shot, have fun. We do this all together. It's not a competition but an opportunity to be expressive in ways other than writing and photography that many of us already do on our blogs. Remember, you can collage too, if preferred.

  14. I absolutely loved the smile in the last stanza. It could have gone another way, but you dissolved the friend's barricade and touched their inner warmth. Nice.

  15. you're a trip!

    the good kind.
    without a map.
    choosin' on-the-fly and rewarded with vistas.

    good writing, Rene!

  16. Love and Maple pick :)
    Jingle,Leslie,Toasty, Enchanted Oak,Amy the Black and Chuck...
    thanks guys :)

    Salt is a patient friend
    and it always the end

    Peace ~ Rene

  17. That is the cutest ever...I like the way you play and have fun with your words. The poem with a singing tune. It's nice and I think there's a deeper sense to it as well. I like it.

  18. I agree with Amy it WOULD make a great song.

    Dude you already know what is in my head in the most specific and frightening IRENE CARA way.


  19. You are indeed very talented....YOU READ MY MIND AND U MADE ME SMILE!!!!

    You need to see this, it's worth your time:

  20. Rene, no need to publixh this comment:

    please check out your email listed in your profile ( as I am sending you something I'd appreciate if you opened it soon. thanks!

  21. I can imagine these words to be lyrics for a song...

    BTW: how can I follow your blog? I can't seem to find the "Follow" link. Do you have one?

    or maybe I'm just blind, hey, hey, hey, with salt in my eyes!

  22. Doris, scroll up to the navigation bar at the top of the page,
    Look to the left, next to the white search box, there should be the word "FOLLOW" it and that should do the trick :)
    You can also subscribe by scrolling to the bottom of the page and filling out the information.

    Peace ~ Rene


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