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All Is Calm

once upon a busy sidewalk
they brushed shoulders
a clipped apology 
with the slightest hint
of eye contact followed
yet the warmth
from that brief collision
stayed with her
all the way to the office
every once and again
she'd rub her shoulder
no blood,
no wound
all was calm
strange, as this would normally
annoy her and now
she was filled with
happiness and 
dare she
she pondered on this
cautious comfort
why was she pondering?
she never pondered on source of  anger
that, she could easily identify
but a source of joy?
that must be questioned, scrutinized...
it was her city roots  showing
she rubbed her shoulder once again
concluding that
if anger could be transferred 
then so must happiness...
but not before
quickly feeling for her purse
once again
just to be sure...

Peace ~ Rene


  1. Not sure that I got all of the meaning, but I think that you now feel safe walking down the streets??? I don't know, I need to give up commenting. It seems like I don't understand anything anymore!

  2. cute - that's probably how I would have felt if I had just brushed shoulders with, let's say, Johnny Depp???? (or am I being too shallow here?)

  3. I'd probably still check for my purse too, but love the sentiment in this...:-)

  4. Hmmm..... I should brush shoulders more often. Please spin a tale about what women are looking for or want when....

    and thanks for you occasional stop by... -JH

  5. otin~ don't be so hard on yourself...:)
    this was something I wrote not really knowing what direction it was going...I had no meaning or moral in mind...I had just finished Christmas shopping and was still feeling the after effects of all of that...

    Peace ~ Rene

  6. Another gem, Rene! Lots to think about.

    Tidings of comfort and joy~

    Thank you for your beautiful poetry!

  7. Oh, my. I feel this one. :-)

    I love your poetry, Rene. There's a wistful quality that really speaks to me, so hopeful and poignant and yet entirely rooted in reality. Makes me want to hold someone's hand...


  8. Too often we are too quick to anger, too slow to trust, too busy and jaded to find the joy in the everyday occurances that make up our lives. And then the touch of a stranger reminds us...

    That's what I read into it, anyway. But I could be way off base here.

  9. it is cool to think that something carries over from those brief touches beyond annoyance...and a misplaced wallet. smiles.

  10. I love this thought, especially during the hustle-bustle of this Christmas season... an opportunity for joy over anger... an opportunity for a connection, rather than a disconnect. Love it, Rene! Peace.

  11. you have a gift Rene, as I have said before. I like the way your mind works.

  12. unexpected, free joy
    from an unexpected source!

    it's all about the deltoids~

  13. Finding joy on a busy sidewalk. Love it!

  14. Wow- very thought provoking!

    Have a Happy VGNO!

  15. Happy VGNO!

    I love your poem. It's beautiful, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy! I have to say, being from small town arkansas, I have never walked on a sidewalk busy enough to brush someone's shoulder. In fact when I meet someone on the sidewalk usually I know them and we stop and talk :)

  16. I love the transfer of joy...from a simple and seemingly accidental encounter...during the holiday season...simply beautiful...your poem is so uplifting! ~Janine XO

  17. Yep... covers it all. The practicality of clutching for the purse... so human. So ...

    Nice, Lady.

  18. This is a great site you have here. I just found it from a friend's page. I have a humor blog as well and I'd like to exchange links with you. This will spread some traffic around between us. Let me know if this is cool.

    HilariousHeadlines TALK

  19. Rene,
    I was at the mall braving the crowd the other day, bumping shoulders...and I actually smiled thinking of and remembering your words. And then, yes, I felt for my purse!

  20. How utterly delightful, dear Rene. Love it.

  21. I can tell some of these people live in big cities, some of us naive people wouldn't think to check for our purses...but it did make me think of a couple trips I've made to NYC.

    Just stopping by to say Happy VGNO for last week's VGNO....too many things going on this time of year. Holiday preparations, work, school party...yada, yada, yada! Hope you're enjoying the holidays!


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