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let's get away
just you and me
to a playhouse
in the trees

climb the ladder
hiding out
from our duties

let's forget our cares
and be free up there
doin' just whatever we please
up in the trees

there’s a piano up there
how it got there
one can only

we play heart and soul
lose control
'til that duet
we soon forget

ticklin' arms and knees
'stead of ivories
your sneaky little kisses
get the best of me

learnin' 'bout
the birds
and the bees
up in the trees

take me away
take me today
let's go and play
fifteen feet up

and there we'll stay

Do mo anamchara, las tú an tine



  1. all beautiful elements!

    i can actually see you
    at the piano
    translating these words
    into song!

    thank you for reminding us
    to be children
    to chase the magic
    to make a place of love


  2. I love stories of innocent love. Beautiful, Rene!

  3. i have always wanted to live in a treehouse.


    i love it.

  4. We built our kids a tree house...well, it started 2 summers ago. The Big Guy doesn't understand less is more when it comes to treehouses.

  5. This piece reads like a carefree summer day.

  6. Love the piano. It sounds like a perfect day.
    Thank you

  7. Awesome song Rene.....thanks for the link. Also thanks for dropping by and commenting on my photo very very funny. I see that Vodka Mom has given you a shout out and it's so well deserved your awesome and you rock.

    Love Ya

  8. We had a special tree when I was in fifth grade, some low-hung thing easy to climb and absolutely covered in ivy. We were so cool.



  9. This one hit close to home for me. I spent most of my childhood in a treehouse. Met my best friend there. Played there. laughed there. Cried there. Smoked my first cigarette. Had my first...ummm...kiss...[ahem]... So many fond memories of my childhood took place up in that treehouse. It's where the innocent world of my childhood gave way to the not-so-innocent world of my teenage years. I literally grew up in that treehouse.

    I miss it. The childhood, the treehouse, the best friend...all of it. I miss it.

  10. Yes it makes me want to be in one right now! Lovely Rene, I so love this side of you.

  11. Lovely poem--sweet and childlike fun too but err.....I'm sorry i couldn't lay my cares aside if 15 feet up anywhere--not if I was too afraid of falling. DEar oh dear. Yes, I have to admit, I;ve never been into tree houses. When my kids found one on some path it scared me to Dickens to see them go conquer it. I was the classic mum telling them to please be careful!!. LOL.

  12. you know what's funny, Rene, is that when I wrote this June 11th piece there was a specific part in there that I felt was for you..even though I don't know you at all--that is what came to mind. thank you for your kid words --they mean a lot.

  13. The poem is a fine match for that fantastic playhouse in the pic...imaginative and weird and wonderful. Who wouldn't want to play there?

  14. wow! take me with you also haha (jokin)! happy valentines.. here’s mine..

  15. I enjoyed it thoroughly.. your image as well as your words are quite vivid and powerful..

    ॐ नमः शिवाय
    Om Namah Shivaya


  17. This is so much fun. I love it.

  18. What fun and I love the name of your blog too. We also are "so not the Rockefellers."

    The poem and the photo put me in mind of an old childrens book, "The Four Story Mistake." Hadn't thought of it in years. Use to love it.

    Well done and very fine Potluck contribution. Thank you. Mine is here:

    And, just a little reminder, don't forget to join us for Thursday Poets Rally this week at the new site:

    Happy Valentine's Day.

  19. Great photo, and wonderful poem! Imagine a piano in there? hell it becomes a ballroom, a palace, an amphetheatre!


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